Saturday, June 15, 2019

Unidentified: Inside America's UFO investigation "The Pattern Revealed"

This was on the History Channel last night. It turns out that two ex- U.S. Navy men who had been called by their superiors to witness UFO events seen on radar on deck of their ships felt frustrated because of being asked to see these UFO events but then officers then sometimes ridiculed these same events they were called to see. So, it was very strange to these men that they were called to witness these events and their question was: "Why isn't this stuff on the TV every night?" and instead officers are encouraged to make fun of these real events seen over and under the ocean various places like near Guadalupe Island off of Ensenada, Mexico where UFOs have been seen to travel over 70 mph underwater and going into the sky and spiraling around each other before disappearing into space just to the north of Guadalupe Island.

The other interesting thing about this location (Guadalupe Island) is that civilians for the most part are not allowed there to go onto shore, only scientific researchers most specifically of the Great white Sharks that gather there I believe to breed. They also spoke with dozens of Ensenada Fishermen who had seen UFOs above and under the water too at this location.

When you have this many witnesses you know something unusual is going on.

Going through water, air and Space is known as "Trans-Medium travel" in regard to UFOs.

Guadalupe Island is 150 miles off the Mexican coast.

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