Monday, June 10, 2019

When you don't let all points of view be heard no points of view are safe

When a society represses ANY point of view like Political Correctness does now it is very very dangerous for that society and it will tend to bring that society to collapse eventually.

For example, I see Trump as a natural reaction to the lies of political correctness. Political Correctness refuses to listen to  any other point of view much like Nazis did during the 1930s and it brought the same result of Trump who is a lot like Hitler. So, Political Correctness by stopping all points of view from free speech has created a Hitler in Trump as a natural human reaction.

So, the people who think Political correctness is so wonderful don't realize they are destroying our free democracy and creating leaders like Trump as a direct result who are more like Hitler.

Unless all points of view are willing to be heard on college campuses and everywhere then NO point of view is safe including political Correctness as a natural result. This is just human nature.

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