Saturday, February 8, 2020

Bluetooth devices

I have realized recently that having a blue tooth enabled device next to your brain isn't a good idea. If you have a smartphone for example, it is better to have wires running from your smartphone into your ears than to have bluetooth buds in your ears. Why?

Because bluetooth might be disrupting cells in your brain and body. For example, I was all happy thinking I was helping myself to get bluetooth enabled hearing aids that have an app on my Iphone. However, simultaneously about the same time my health started deteriorating and now about a year later I realize that part of the reason I had health problems was wearing bluetooth enabled hearing aids. I also realized that subliminal stuff was happening through my smartphone into my subconscious as well sometimes so I turned off the app and blue tooth functions into my hearing aids. However, today or yesterday I was manually setting my hearing aids and realized when I pushed the manual button on one hearing aid I also get "beep beep" on the other hearing aid which means one hearing aid sent a signal through my brain to the other hearing aid. So, even turning off my bluetooth to my hearing aids didn't stop blue tooth signals going between the two hearing aids when manually adjusted. So, I'm realizing that the next set of hearing aids I buy I don't want them to be blue tooth enabled but only manually each to protect my brain and health in general.

Like everything else in life, experience is the best teacher!

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