Friday, February 7, 2020

IF you have compassion for yourself:

Then it is more likely you will also develop compassion for others. One of the ways in Tibetan Buddhism one is taught to develop compassion is to focus upon your own suffering as being the same basic suffering as all other beings in the universe. And from this point of view you are kindred with the suffering of all others. And from this point of view it makes you want to try to end the suffering of yourself and all others. And from this point of view you begin to do that in a right mindful way ongoing.

As one moves forward in this early state of enlightenment one realizes soon that all suffering comes from seeing life in a not useful way. So, one tries to develop one's seeing of life in a more useful way which tends to end one's suffering and the suffering of others.

Helping end your suffering and the suffering of others is very healing on all levels to a being.

However, just taking lives to end the suffering of others doesn't count. The harder way is to find ways to help yourself and all others in compassionate right mindful ways.

Ending people's lives to end their suffering is idiot compassion and crazy.

Finding ways to end your suffering and others while everyone stays alive is a lot like playing chess if you like challenges.

By God's Grace

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