Saturday, February 8, 2020

Is it important to believe in UFOs?

Actually, I think it is much more important to believe in Time Travel than UFOs. Why?

Because Time travel is happening all the time around us. Is it affecting us? Yes. Every day our lives are changed by Time Travel in various ways. To be disturbed by this isn't useful. The best way forward is to realize that we all only have right now and we have our memories because everything else is going to change in the past, present and future. Accepting this is life saving on every level regard to sanity and health.

In other words all any of us actually have is our own experiences and our own health on every level and that's all. All the rest is subject to change past, present and future.

So, when you notice changes around you that become more obvious over time just realize it is because of Time travel of beings from the past, present and future changing things in various ways.

I'm not saying this is a comfort. What I am saying is this is necessary for your sanity and survival in many different ways to understand this.

If you want to believe in UFOs do that. I do because of my actual experiences with UFOs as a child and after. So, not believing in UFOs would not be useful to me at this point. But, like I said believing in time travel is much more important to your well being, sanity and physical well being than believing in UFOs is.

Here is the way MIT might view this as a logical expression: "IF Time travel is possible to be invented it has already been invented in the past, present or future in some galaxy even ours." So, given this logical probability if it was invented in the past, present or future it is also here right now.

Given the logic of this there is a 99.999% probability that time travel has been invented and is here right now so dealing with that is important to your and my well being on all levels.

By God's Grace

But, if this freaks you out you can just consider this to be science fiction if you are not yet ready to deal with this as a reality.

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