Thursday, February 13, 2020

Is it useful to believe in God?

I think it has to be a personal choice always. It's not something that should be forced on anyone.

I believe in God simply because not believing in God likely would have meant either death or insanity for me because of Whooping cough at 2 and then Blunt Trauma childhood epilepsy caused by a blow to the head rock climbing at age 9 where I had seizures at night from ages 10 to 15 which was a lot like being murdered through strangulation each time. Then an hour or two later you come back to consciousness and shake from shock. So, not believing in God when there was literally no medicines useful to me in the 1950s and early 1960s would likely have been fatal for me if I didn't have God to invoke into my body with me to live which made me like I am today which is very intuitive and supernatural in a Good way empowered by God. When I invoked God through prayer that very day my seizures at night permanently stopped at age 15.

There is literally no limit to what you can do if you are with God and God is with you. I tend to be relatively fearless in my life because of my relationship with God which often has terrified other people. I have mostly been a risk taker physically and as a young man I rock climbed in Yosemite National park, flew hang gliders, surfed, and I still ski and ride a motorcycle sometimes even now at 71 years of age. Doctors often say "Oh. You can't ski anymore!" and my wife says "Well. You won't be able to stop him." Because I am very self directed and with God 24 hours a day. I don't listen to other people that much if God shows me something else to do.

But, it has to be practical on many levels for me to do anything in my life because I am always with God in my experiences waking and sleeping I am always speaking with God and angels about everything I do and even the timing in which I do it. Because I have seen "Timing is everything" in life.

Without timing we are all dead before our times.

By God's Grace

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