Saturday, February 8, 2020

Memories of another lifetime:

I can remember being a cave Yogi during the 1800s in the Himalayas. I lived from the 1840s until the 1930s in the Himalayas and Tibet and Nepal and India. The last part of my life I lived in India as a Guru where it was warmer so I could live as long as I did. By the 1860s an 1870s I first learned to levitate after 2 to 5 years in a cave in the Himalayas meditating. I can remember on a moonlit night with long fingernails and hair coming out of my cave to fly for the first time. My robes were rotting away from meditating so long in this cave and eating nettles and mountain water so long that my skin had turned green like Mila Repa as I gingerly took off and flew for the very first time.

People mostly don't do this as much now because it's easier to work a day or two at a job in the U.S. or Europe to buy a ticket to anywhere on earth instead. Why Spend 2 to 5 years just learning to levitate when you can work a day or two to buy a ticket almost anywhere on earth? Though something is lost culturally through these changes also something good is obtained to in regard to time better spent doing other things maybe. It's hard to say. The old school way of thinking would be that if you can demonstrate to your followers that you can fly, people will follow you as a guru. If you can also walk on water people also will follow you as a guru too.

By God's Grace

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