Sunday, November 8, 2020

If 237,400 people have died in the U.S. that were tested:

This means the easy estimate of how many have ACTUALLY died would be around 3 times that much or:

 712,200 have died as a rough estimate.

However, if we want to be more specific the actual 

ratio is for every 8000 who are tested that die from 

coronavirus there are 15,000 non-tested who also

die here in the U.S.

So, first we take 237,400 and divide that by 8000

which is 29.675. then we multiply that by 15,000 

closer to how many people have died who were not

tested before they died which is:445,125

So, then we take the 445,125 who died without being

tested and add that figure to the original 237,400 and

we get: 682525

So, this is likely (within a few people) exactly how many

have died given the ratio worked out by Yale University for

how many actually die for every tested case who haven't 

been tested.

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