Wednesday, November 25, 2020

To be realistic at present we might need to prepare for 3000 to 5000 dead per day by December through February and March of 2021

Because of precautions not properly taken and because 80% of people infecting people are asymptomatic (no symptoms in  other words) so you cannot tell who has it and who hasn't (even if they are wearing a mask). So, because of this infinite spread is possible especially throughout Red States who don't wear masks that much or take proper precautions. So, because of all this we should expect 3000 to 5000 deaths per day ongoing for at least 3 months (December through March and possibly into April.

However, if this one is anything like the Spanish Flu in 1918 we are in the time of the most deaths that will occur in the whole northern Hemisphere between now and April of 2021. If this one behaves like that one did next winter shouldn't be as bad as this one likely will be. So, most people likely will be dying in the midwest of the country from about the Canadian Border down all the way to Mexico. And the real problem is that most people dying will also be far from cities out in the country where the virus has finally traveled to the last few months. And out in the country people are presently dying at twice the rate of in bigger cities where more technology and hospital beds are available for people who have health insurance.

Not having health insurance is death for many many people in the country right now. 

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