Saturday, December 26, 2020

Compassion for yourself and others might save your life this year and the next. Why?

 Because many people are so overwhelmed in their lives that they don't realize that their death wishes of just not having to deal with their problems are so strong. So, unconsciously they are manifesting their death wishes just to have the whole nightmare of their lives stop (even if it kills them). However, what about the people tho depend upon you to stay alive? What happens to them?

So, taking time to meditate and contemplate your lives might save your lives and the lives of all those around you too.

Things aren't really that important. People are important!

When you put things into perspective better lives change for the better including yours.

I started praying to God for the "Leisure to Practice" around the early 1980s. However, God didn't give this to me until 1998 when I almost died of a heart virus from fall of 1998 until May of 1999. When you ask God for something often he will come through in a way and time of his own (not yours). So, then it took me 5 years to get used to being retired after God gave to me the "Leisure to Practice" in completely unexpected ways. "Leisure to Practice" simply means God has given you the means to pray unceasingly for everyone on earth and throughout the universe in the past, present and future ongoing.

This also tends to increase your lifespan because you are literally praying for everyone all the time with everything you do. It's helpful to God that you are praying for people even when they aren't praying for themselves for a 1000 different reasons.

So, the point is that the more useful to God that you are the more likely your life will be worth living on all levels ongoing into the future.

By God's Grace

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