Thursday, December 24, 2020

Truth is Stranger than Fiction!

 If you lived in 1960 when I was 12 everything sort of seemed okay at that point. But, then Kennedy was elected president and sort of became like the Camelot of America to the world and Kennedy became the most popular president of the 20th Century. Then the Cuban Missile Crisis happened and ever after that until around 1980 the world was completely insane and bonkers sort of like now with Trump.

I think my surviving the 1960s and 1970s after the most boring 1950s for me is helping me now survive these times. Life was much more easy for most Americans from around 1980 to around 2000 and somehow that election really screwed the world up ever since.

From the time Gore was forced to concede the election (even though he won the popular vote) things have gone sideways. And the worst part wasn't 9-11 or the IRaq war or the Afghanistan war (which is still going on by the way) or the Great Recession which totally screwed the middle Class to the point where in revenge they voted in Trump which made their lives about 10 times worse than anything they ever could have imagined before.

So, now we are in a position similar to when Hoover Crashed the Stock market and when FDR came in.

So, Biden and Harris are likely the new FDR in relation to keeping the American people alive during the next at least 4 years.

In order for the average person in the U.S. survive they will have to do similar things to what FDR did during the 1930s to find ways to keep them alive through all that will come next.

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