Thursday, December 31, 2020

How did we get HERE: Chapter 7: Onward into the 5th Timeline?

I felt like I needed to start another Chapter simply because we will be dealing with the 5th timeline.

Whether it is UNUS (a combination of United Nations peacekeepers as time agents combined with elements of the U.S. military like Major Forward and Captain Back) there are many people out there all the time correcting disastrous time elements that could cause eventually human extinction in various ways on down the line at this point.

When the U.S. and almost Germany developed Nuclear weapons the Galactic Government decided to create the United Nations as a result of those nuclear weapons and World War II. So, time has been manipulated a lot once nuclear weapons were invented to create the relatively peaceful world we live in once mankind had developed the capacity for "any Terrorist" to end all life on earth in seconds if they had access to nuclear weapons.

So, when problems arise they are often swiftly dealt with which sometimes creates new problems that hav have to be dealt with along the way that were also unexpected.

There is this unstable element when ANY civilization develops nuclear weapons where the Time Guards have to be established. It is because a Star like our sun is really a controlled hydrogen bomb going off 24 hours a day but it works in such a way to create the life form that all stars are. So, there is the tendency once a civilization develops nuclear weapons for that planet to become either a star (everyone dies) or to blow up (like Maldek). So, for a planet that constant type of instability between states of matter needs to be managed.

So, whenever a civilization develops nuclear weapons that civilization is often managed at a galactic level especially when that planet is Earth which is a Sacred Galactic Park to millions of religions around the Galaxy. 

It is important to the Galactic Government that this information is available to humans on earth. It's not put on the front headlines of newspapers around the world because that would destabilize governments, businesses, religious zealots and people in general. So, it is put in places like this one sort of in the same way you might put a Doing business add in a newspaper to legally notify everyone that you are in business. It doesn't reach everyone but it is sort of like your deed to your real property at the county seat or something like that. It's about the information being available in some form rather than on the front page which would automatically destabilize and possibly ruin the mindset of most people who couldn't really deal with this information is a useful way without having a psychotic break that they might never recover from and run screaming off a cliff somewhere.

Some people like you and I might be able to deal with this information but for most people it would just ruin their lives and their little mental worlds that they live in. Probably less than 25% of the worlds populations could even begin to deal with the realities we are writing about here right now.

I woke up at 6 am this morning "New Years Eve morning" in Mt. Shasta, California knowing we would be leaving for the coast around 9am. So, since I was the only one awake I sat there watching the newly fallen snow that came down last night that hadn't been walked in yet by anyone (except maybe a Gray Squirrel looking for nuts) that live here on the several acres we are on at present overlooking a snow clad meadow now. 

So, I can see now why this all came through the way it did because we are entering a new year (hopefully better than the last!) Happy 2021 Everyone!

I just climbed into my hot tub and our corgi wants to share my corn chips so I gave her a few because she likes them. It's probably the salt she likes.

My son in law called his parents in Europe but their new years fireworks had been cancelled there in the Alps where they live.

Once again if you want to know more about UNUS here is a link or word button for you: 


At the time I wrote UNUS things were very unstable in many ways because of 9-11 so I felt I had to say that what I was writing was fictional. However, it feels much more stable in certain ways now and so I can say that what I'm writing about is likely all true. However, there are some conditions when if some one asked me if what I wrote is true or not I would tell them it is fiction in order to stay alive in a body here on earth. However, nonetheless it is likely all true what I'm writing on behalf of the Galactic Government. I'm here to relay what i know to the people of earth because the Galactic Sentience who is my friend and he says my relative wishes me to write this for you.

It looks like UNUS came through just after the 2nd timeline began then in 2002. It speaks about how Arcane set up the UNUS Time Cadre from earth. Since he is a trained Time Traveler from the Galactic Time Guard assigned as a planetary anthropologist to earth long term he is an ideal person to train time agents of all countries to set time right regarding nuclear weapons and anything that could cause the end of life on earth for humans and all species. 

Even if the planet is blown up there are ways to bring it back or to prevent it from having blown up by killing the people responsible for ending earth and turning it into an asteroid belt.

However, they aren't usually killed by beheading or being shot but rather their mother's conception is prevented before birth so they are never born. The galaxy sees this as a much kinder way to deal with terrorists who destroy earth.

UNUS in some ways reminds me of "Men in Black" except Men in Black (men and women in Black) mostly deal with alien problems and UNUS specifically deals with time problems that could cause humans to go extinct.

Men in Black is more than a comedy it's always been a real thing here on earth. So, if it is a joke it is a True Joke and always has been. If you can laugh at something it means you can begin to deal with it. That's why humor is important in regard to dealing with the real world beyond earth as it comes to earth.

You might ask me: "Why isn't UNUS used to bring people who die back to life? Mostly it isn't designed for this. It is specifically used to prevent extinctions of life waves on planets and preventing planets from being destroyed.

It's important to keep time changes to a minimum or you might destroy time itself on that planet.

I see time as like a tree with many branches and lots of roots. You can only change things so much and the tree of time in relation to a planet might die or destabilize permanently.

A Tree is the best way to see time as far as I'm concerned. A tree can only take so many changes before it dies. The same is true of any planet. And each planet is completely unique in this too. Earth is amazing the amount of time lines it can support however. But, at present there are only 5 sanctioned time lines that are sanctioned and maintained by the Galactic Sentience and the Galactic Government. All others are time shards that eventually suddenly will end at some point.

Can I prove any of this to you?

Any one on earth who could and does prove any of this to you would be disappeared by various forces in the universe. This is a given.

Regarding the 5th timeline:

Since the 4th timeline that Putin accidentally began in Spring of 2020 causes human extinction through something similar to Sky NET in the Terminator series between now and 2030 and 2040 (depending upon which variation of the 4th timeline we are talking about).

For example, Because Trump has been so efficient at causing the deaths of so many people and it looks like this coronavirus is going to keep mutating we are dealing with something as serious as the AIDS epidemic in that it might never end. However, it is also possible that we might get coronavirus Flu shots once a year in the fall and not die of it when we get it too.

This is my hope. (At least the people who get the shot might not die of it that year).

Because of Trump's (NOT DEALING PROPERLY) with coronavirus it is completely out of control now in North South and Central America and in Europe and in Russia. Because of this countries are just going to keep infecting each other for years to come specifically because of Trump's Gross negligence as a president.

For example, it is quite possible that coronavirus will get about 10 times worse death wise between now and April at this point than it presently is.

People think there is some imaginary limit to coronavirus. Nope. There isn't if you don't take proper precautions as individuals worldwide.

I'm concerned that we are about to see 10,000 people dying per day, especially with the new 70% more contagious strain from the UK.

Remember, 10,000 per day is 300,000 people dying per month or 3 million every 10 months.

Expecting people who don't get vaccinated to possibly die within the next year or two might be useful about now.

If you study the laws of probability you will get the same information I'm getting.

So, you might ask: "Why does the 4th timeline that Putin accidentally started drive the human race extinct? I was thinking just now how to more usefully answer this question. And the answer is quite simple: "When mankind has to deal with too many variables at once they tend to fail and die en masse."

Here's an example that we live with where I live on the coast. There is a road where you are on the level and then all of a sudden you drop down quite swiftly on this road towards the coast. But, if it is raining or slippery this sudden drop and the slowing down kills people this time of year. How?

Well. It usually kills people who are driving too fast (which is okay while you are on the level) but if you don't know this road is going to suddenly go down at a steep angle this puts you along with the curves in danger. So, to your left are many large pine trees off a cliff and to your right is also something like a cliff going up. So, what people do is that their rear end of their car (because of wetness like rain or wet road from mist or fog or rain or hail goes out and pushes them up against the cliff to their right, then they bounce off the cliff to their right and go down off a cliff into their left and off the road and their car winds up wrapped around a big pine tree (one or more) and they usually die.

So, the point is that when the human race deals with too many bad variables at the same time they die.

And the mistake that has been  made with the 4th timeline (starting last Spring of 2020 is (that   is that  the  choices have the unforeseen consequence of driving  the whole world extinct.  The point is just like in my example too many hazards conflict at once and we are gone. We might deal with any 1 or 2 hazards but when they multiply to 10 or 12 at once we are gone as a human race here on earth.

So, this brings us to the 5th timeline which will likely have to stop the Cyber war that Started last Spring. How they stop the Cyber War and what aspects they will change should be interesting but knowing the Galactic Time Guard and the Lemurian Time Guard controlled by His Oneness now of Shambala but once of Lemuria and UNUS controlled by the UN and U.S. through Arcane are up to the task.

And this is why Elohar and Ragna from 7028 AD on the first timeline told me that there likely would be 5 timelines this century by 2050 AD here one earth to keep mankind alive.

Am I allowed to write of the changes that create the 5th timeline? I'm trying to figure that out right now.

So, this likely will be a work in progress in trying to figure all this out at present.

Understanding the time lines:

The first timeline caused basically almost all humans to die or become sort of like Wolves on 9-11-01.

This was superseded by the 2nd time when Elohar and Ragna from 7028 AD on the first time line came to me and asked my help in creating a 2nd timeline. I had previously asked the Galactic Sentience to save earth from the fate of the first timeline and he said "Yes".

So, with the work of the Galactic Sentience, His Oneness, Arcane, Elohar and Ragna, and myself and many many others the 2nd timeline was born the 2nd time we reached 9-11-01.

Then Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back went forward in time and found humans went extinct on the timeline where Hillary Clinton became president on the 2nd timeline.

So, through the United Nations Trump and others like him were put into office in many different countries of the world to "thin out" the human race so they wouldn't go extinct. 

Trump and these leaders were the beginning of the 3rd timeline.

However, Putin created through his people a 4th timeline which accidentally caused Software sentients to be created through supercomputers and other problems which creates between now and 2030 or 2040 human extinction.

So now, a 5th timeline has to be created to solve this problem if the human race is to survive this century to live on to the next century.

But, even then this doesn't solve the problem of human extinction through the mental illnesses caused by the thinning out of the human race this century to prevent human extinction that occurs between 2150 and 2160 caused by the mental illnesses created by the deaths of 7/8 of humanity in this century.

So, you see all this is a work in progress. There is no one perfect solution to creating human survival.

It's all sort of like a lab experiment and we all are sort of lab rats in this experiment trying to find something that works to keep at least some of us alive for millions of years into the future.

It's not about Whether we succeed or not in this it's about HOW we succeed. How will we innovate our future survival as a human race ongoing?

I see it as "God helps those who help themselves".

"Where there's a will to survive there's a way."

By God's Grace

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