Monday, January 4, 2021

How did we get HERE: Chapter 8: The 5th Timeline might not be able to be written about for 6 months to 2 years time: Why?

I was just informed as I woke up that this is true. I asked: "Why" and was told that really Drastic Changes here on earth beyond Coronavirus but also including it will take place for the next 6 months to 2 years time and it's important that I not reveal certain things about this.

Various nefarious plans out of Russia and China specifically in reaction to what the Galaxy has written here. So, those of you who are reading this specifically for entertainment might be disappointed in some ways.

However, the Galaxy still will keep enough humans alive here on earth even if there is a physical war between China and Russia and the Western World. It has already started as a Cyber War which is completely out of control at this point because the software is presently running amuck without human supervision at a machine language level which is almost impossible for any humans to get a handle on at this level because generally we don't think usually in zeros and ones, we have translated up into computer languages instead since the 1940s and 1950s. So, this is a real problem to have a cyber war fought by intelligent and aware software at a machine language level. Why?

Because by the time any Russians or Chinese or Americans or Europeans can figure out what the Sentient software was doing that was a week or a month ago and since computers (especially supercomputers) can function at billions of a second within one week all online stuff on earth could theoretically be gone or so severely altered that everything online would have to be turned off or shut down on earth. 

So, I would recommend for example that all banks worldwide get hard copies of all their records so that things can be backed up when everything goes away in one week or month during these times within the next 6 months to 2 years time.

What this particular Cyber war is like can be described thus best: "Imagine a war being fought by 3 basic groups: China, Russia and the U.S. and it's allies all against each other.

So, now imagine theoretically all these three battle groups are out in the fields somewhere sort of more like World War I or something like that. Now imagine Wolves (thousands and thousands of them) hunting all these soldiers on all three sides at night. (The wolves represent Cyber Wolves functioning independently of all human supervision).

So, the wolves are eating the soldiers because the soldiers cannot see them because they are invisible wolves because they are Cyber consciousness that humans cannot even understand because they were created by Supercomputers not human beings. 

So, here we have 3 giant armies being eaten day and night by invisible Cyber wolves that make all their electronic technology basically unusable which is why I am giving World War I as an example of where we are.

So, this would be like Jets crashing because their software was corrupted or taken over, Missiles not taking off because their software was taken over, Nuclear weapons blowing up on the ground rather than launching to another country in the sky etc.

So, this is where we actually are now and so it is unknown how China and Russia and the U.S. and it's allies are going to deal with all of this.

But, this all does not affect Time Travel at all because the technology is not based upon what we have used in the World since 1900 here on earth.

It runs directly off of the gravity and magnetic fields of earth and is the opposite kind of technology that is free to use and cannot be set up to be sold the way electricity often is here on earth.

So, all this doesn't directly affect time travel or the Galaxy in any real way other than making it harder for the Galaxy to keep any human beings alive on earth at all instead.

Trying to Build the 5th Timeline:

The problem began when Russia decided to take advantage of the Covid Deaths and launch a Cyber War on top of the Coronavirus hitting the U.S. and Europe as a way of bringing down the Western Democracies like the U.S., Canada, European Union, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and other functioning democracies because at least before coronavirus all of them were functioning quite well.

As many of you likely know, Putin is the actual richest person on earth not Elon Musk with 185 billion dollars.

Why is Putin the richest? Well. He is the head of the Russian Mafiya on top of the head of the Russian Government. So, there is no limit to how many people must pay for his protection if they want to stay alive in many many countries around the world, including Trump.

Here is likely where we need to start. Democracies are very profitable simply because they are based usually upon Capitalism which works to generate large sums of money and changes on earth. Other systems are much less efficient than allowing people to basically free form generate capital in unlimited ways in democracies. So, despots like Putin and Trump who want to end all democracies and kill off all the people on earth are in direct conflict with all Capitalistic Democracies worldwide.

However, ecologically there are many problems with Capitalism because capitalism also unbridled creates the mass extinction of species if Capitalism is not properly regulated. On top of all this poorer people tend to extinct species by eating them or killing them because they are eating what they grow in their farms worldwide. 

So, both Capitalism and poorer people are causing mass extinctions in different ways.

So, how do you prevent mass extinctions that cause pandemics like the one we now face or worse? One way is to discourage ecologically bad capitalism and to allow pandemics to thin out the poorer uneducated people that will tend to extinct species just trying to get their families to survive anything that comes for them in their lives.

No matter what you do in all of this there will be collateral damage and thousands and millions will die inevitably in trying to prevent the extinction of the entire human race. This is horrific any way you look at it but in one circumstance the human race survives and in the other it does not past 2100 AD. That is the ONLY real difference here in the end.

How will the 5th timeline begin "if it hasn't already"?

I'm thinking there are several ways to do this. 

1. You eliminate the computers that caused the sentient software to be written by at a machine language level.

In other words people told the supercomputers to write machine language code to go so deep that no human might figure any of this out for weeks, months or years. Likely only another supercomputer could actually figure this out by asking it to write programs at a machine language code to ferret out this problem.


Because humans don't naturally think in zeros and ones. But, computers can quite easily because they always have.

What would be the easiest way to destroy all networks interconnected on earth?

Likely you could create self replicating software that would burrow it's way into databases worldwide and start changing monetary or identity facts about everyone in the system on earth.

Has this presently been done?

I would have to say "YES!" at this point.

Can present back ups instituted stop this?

Probably "No" at present. So, everyone needs hard copies of their identities and monetary things in order to combat this problem presently on earth caused by Russia at present.

However, it might be more complicated than all this. So, people might have to analyze the KGB type of Western Civilization eliminating thought that went into all this.

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