Thursday, January 28, 2021

Why Logic and Reason are important to individual and group survival especially during wars and pandemics

Without logic or reason when groups of people are under stress often they make really bad decisions because of the added stress that wars and pandemics create in people's lives. The Rugged Individualism actually tends to more work against group survival to some degree, especially among groups that were not taught logic and reason as a way to survive wars and pandemics.

So, if you have nowhere to turn because you have not been taught to use logic and reason to survive awful times your group often dies just like so many people who believe in Trump and QANON are dying now.

Then as older members of these groups die from coronavirus because of not being logical and reasonable enough this then freaks out younger members and their mentors having died makes this group more confused too. This then could create a literal bloody revolution like we saw beginning at the Capitol on January 6th 2021. 

There is nothing wrong with being sincerely genuinely spiritual, it's when churches start to panic because their people can't go to church regularly to give them money like before. Then the preachers have to give people more Hell, Fire and Brimestone in order to get more money coming into their coffers. As this increases people panic not only from coronavirus but also from sermons online of hell, fire and brimestone in order to get more money into churches so ministers and churches can survive.

So, letting people be logical and reasonable is necessary for their physical survival and because people aren't allowed to go to churches churches are panicking and giving people hell, first and brimestone to draw in more money. This then panics people further and makes them more vulnerable to lies from Trump, QANON and to irrational thoughts and pulling out guns to solve problems.

Many people will die mostly from coronavirus simply because they are not rational and logical enough to protect themselves and so they die en masse from these problems.

Then this also causes the nation to falter from people panicking who might not be capable of rational thought.

Then on top of this many people cannot work online at home. These people also are vulnerable to getting coronavirus at their work sites or in schools. 

We are dealing with all these factors now which is a night mare scenario worldwide because this isn't just the U.S. this kind of thing is happening also worldwide.

If this irrationality and confusion continues there will be blood in the streets not only in the U.S. but in many countries worldwide.

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