Sunday, January 31, 2021

What doesn't make sense about the Falun Gong point of view:

 So, they can want Chinese Communists to go to hell. But, what about Putin's people?

Putin was all this time supporting Trump destroying the U.S.? So, what does Falun Gong want to happen to Putin and his government. It's true that Russia is a dictatorship completely under Putin and that Putin is now considered the de factor head of the Protestant Christian movement on earth through the Russian Orthodox Church. But, I wouldn't consider the Russian Orthodox church as protestant but more like a Russian Version of Catholicism culturally speaking just like the Greek Orthdox Church wouldn't be considered Protestant either.

So, it's true the Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Churches are not Catholic but they aren't Protestant either.

So, I guess I don't know where to go with all this. But, I guess my point is: "Where does Falun Gong stand in regard to Russia?

Or maybe they don't consider Russia to be a part of this equation somehow?

The single biggest political attacker of the U.S. IS Russia.

Even though China steals our inventions and ideas anyway that they can, they really aren't that interested in militarily taking over the U.S. like Russia is.

Or maybe better said, "Putin wants the U.S. to "Eat Shit and die!" more than anything else. So, destroying the U.S. democracy in a Republic like he believes the U.S. Through Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union would be what Putin most wants to accomplish. IN other words Putin wants Revenge for the death of the Soviet Union and considers the main culprit being the U.S., then after that he wants to destroy Saudi Arabia which is the country that most helped destroy the Soviet Union through dropping oil prices then worldwide which caused the Soviet Union to go bankrupt basically. Then after that he wants to destroy the European Union and collapse all those economies as well as the European Union itself.

This is Putin's stated Goal in regard to the U.S., Saudi Arabia and the European Union. 

Whereas China just wants to economically take over the whole world through the Government Controlled Chinese Capitalistic State whereas Putin just wants revenge for the death of the old Soviet Union in which he was a young KGB Colonel in during the 1980s in East Berlin then.

Which is why that Putin is allies with Iran against the Saudi Arabia  at war with the Saudi Arabia through Yemen ongoing as a proxy war. And in some way shape or form Putin is helping finance this war in Yemen against Saudi Arabia ongoing likely for a long as Putin is alive I guess and ruling in Russia.

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