Friday, January 29, 2021

I personally think one's own personal experiences with Jesus and Saint Germain are more relevant to one's own life

My experiences started likely with meeting the Archangels led by Archangel Michael at age 2 when they came to save me from Whooping cough. My Grandmother had invoked them by singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" around Christmas 1950 I believe (but thinking back now in 1950 I would have not been 2 yet so maybe this was 1951 in Seattle Washington).

After that experience I was different because instead of dying meeting the Archangels and having them save my young life changed me a lot. It gave me more peace and less terror growing up.

Then my parents were put in charge of a church in Los Angeles as head ministers there. Then I was bored a lot sitting in church unless my Dad took me into the attic when we put in large fans about 30 feet from the church floor there. That was fun when I was about 6 years old. He was an electrician then and then by the time I was 12 he became an Electrical Contractor all over Los Angeles and I learned the electrical trade with him summers from 1960 to 1965 when I went away to a private church school for my last year of High School to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Sitting in church waiting for my parents between the ages of 6 and 9 years old a lot I would get bored and I tried to figure out how to spend the time without other children around. There were big pictures of Jesus and Saint Germain so I tried pouring my love to Jesus and to Saint Germain. This worked because they started talking to me and teaching me about things. I was taken under Jesus and Saint Germain's wing so to speak and became one of their initiates at this time.

This continued throughout my life by the way, even when I was terrified by getting a concussion around age 9 and then having night time seizures because of it between ages 10 and 15. So, finally because I didn't want to die I invoked God to come live in my body with me around 14 or 15 and just like that my seizures stopped as God moved into my body with me.

However, unless you are sure you are going to die otherwise I wouldn't recommend doing this like I did. Because it is so supernaturally powerful that most people wouldn't survive it.

Because now I can fully relate to the prophets in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible after doing this.

Also, a lot is expected of you ongoing once you do this too and you have to experience really powerful supernatural events from God changing time and space when you do this too. 

I suppose it would be most like giving a child a Ferrari that can go 300 mph. Do you really expect that child to survive this?

This would be my experience then at 15. Within a few months my entire appearance changed and girls started falling in love with me after this too. I knew they were falling in love with God who now lived in my body with me so this was a confusing experience until I was 16 and just accepted this merging of God and me in the same body. After this, having girls fall in love with me all the time I just sort of expected it because they would naturally fall in love with God in my body living with me there and this was natural and okay with me. 

Except it was sort of confusing in some ways too but I could see that God had made it one of the ways I was to minister to life on earth through all the girls falling in love with me.

But, dating a lot of girls isn't the best thing when you finally get married and have children because of precedence. So, learning to live with the fact that you have to raise your kids right is very very important and to make sure they have the best future possible for them too.

So, meeting Jesus and Saint Germain as a young boy and before that Archangel Michael and the other Archangels catapulted me into being Jesus and Saint Germain's initiate too over time  

I always had the feeling that I have always been an Incarnate Archangel since meeting Archangel Michael and the other Archangels when I was 2 years old.

By God's Grace

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