Monday, January 4, 2021

Trump and his supporters undermining the Voters could be eventually put in Jail


Because what Trump is doing is called both Treason and sedition because it undermines our democracy.

So, it would be basically the same thing as Russia or China trying to undermine our democracy. There really is NO DIFFERENCE except that the country's foundations are being attacked from within instead of without.

As a country especially between 1945 and 1990 such an external attack would have been met with nuclear weapons against that country.

However, in this situation it is more like a 2nd Civil War going on except that there aren't any battle Casualties except the 350,000 that Trump has already murdered through conscious incompetence because he felt originally that more Democrats than Republicans were dying from coronavirus. However, that is no longer true simply because of Trump's Super spreader events where thousands and thousands of people have now been infected with Coronavirus from and also thousands of Trump supporters have died because they don't have the million dollar medicines that he received including 

dexamethasone which has made Trump much more crazy than he already was. In fact, Trump likely can use drug induced temporary or permanent mental illness as a stance to keep himself out of jail also because of taking this "Crazy Making" drug. This is just how absolutely crazy this whole situation actually is!

Oct 12, 2020 — ... a powerful steroid, is being used more and more to treat Covid-19. ... Trump's treatment, he was given dexamethasone, a powerful steroid.

So, why could Trump and his Congressional supporters all be put in jail for what they are doing?

By undermining the foundations of our democracy and lessening out standing in the world, they are demonstrating Treason and Sedition against the United States Constitution and government. There are many many judges who would or will convict any or all of them at this point here in the U.S.

It's hard to say how all this is going to play out. I would suspect the more people that die here in the U.S.  from what Trump and his Congressional Supporters are doing and have done the more likely that Trump and his congressional supporters will be either put in jail or shot for Treason or Sedition or Both by the voters of the United States of America.

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