The Link to Chapter 1 is above even though it might not look right.
In some ways just like the 2000 Election caused most of the problems we are presently dealing with in our lives now (9-11, The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, 6 trillion and much more spent instead of redoing our infrastructure here in the U.S. so bridges now collapse regularly and people regularly blow up from 50 to 100 years old gas mains never replaced) the Election of Trump (which was contrived by the militaries and secret agencies on earth to prevent human extinction in 2095) which has succeeded by the way by creating such ongoing dangerous variants that the human race likely will be reduced now down to 1 billion or less people by 2100.
Likewise, the Biden inauguration has prevented human extinction by the 4th timeline accidentally created by A Cyber War that has gotten out of hand by Putin. Somehow this is now being rectified in the 5th timeline since we now are going back to a more sane stance like we had in the Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations. So, Trump is sort of a "Gangster mafia fluke" which prevented human extinction by driving extinct most people on earth (especially non-white people) all over the world through coronavirus variants like the one in Brazil that recently killed 9 Brazilian Yanomami Children in northern Brazil. If this particular variant is allowed to spread you could see millions of children worldwide starting to die from this particular variation of Coronavirus soon.
And this likely could or would close most schools on earth by this one variant over time. If the schools didn't close millions and millions of children and teachers likely would die if this happens worldwide.
So, I think what I'm saying here is: "You might not have seen ANYTHING yet."
But, I think supercomputers have now been tasked with creating machine language software to root out machine language back doors created by the Supercomputers used by Russian intelligence and installed somehow in software packages by software companies that EVERYONE in business and government worldwide uses.
Searching for these "back doors" would be difficult to impossible for individual humans in all software installed on earth by companies for profit. However, if you task supercomputers to do this for you it is possible to do this in much less time than humans individually could do this.
What is a Back Door in computer lingo?
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A backdoor in software or a computer system is generally an undocumented portal that allows an administrator to enter the system to troubleshoot or do upkeep. But it also refers to a secret portal that hackers and intelligence agencies use to gain illicit access.Dec 11, 2014
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A backdoor is a means to access a computer system or encrypted data that bypasses the system's customary security mechanisms. A developer may create a ...
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Originally before online stuff was created starting likely in the 1980s or before back doors were a way for authorized users or programmers to access around normal security channels.
Programmers of the software often installed back doors to avoid security if they found flaws in their finished software so they could install "Fixes" more easily to make the software world better.
Just like with building a home, often you want to "after the fact" install garbage disposals, skylights, bring blenders for smoothies, install more furniture etc. Programmers almost always think of ways to improve their software and thereby move it from version 1 to version 2 to version 3 or even to version 3.123 or something like this. installing a back door made this much easier to do after the fact. This way they could avoid security that was likely installed by another programmer to which they didn't have the password keys.
So, they became "Back door" men and women who could "Always" secretly access the code they had created.
However, with online users and programmers there eventually became disgruntled employees who hadn't been paid properly etc. and so then they might use these "Back doors" to do damage to the company or programming to maybe try to put the people they felt harmed by out of business permanently.
Then younger hackers got into the act once things were online and had different nefarious ideas and purposes and then militaries and secret agencies around the world got into the act as a way to attack other nations without going to war or killing people (even though sometimes people do die from how things are hacked like Traffic lights, water systems, etc.
But, most of the time nations don't ever tell their people about all this because it would be too embarrassing for them.
But, people die every day from hacking around the world never the less.
As you can see by the amounts of money (5 to 10 Trillion dollars in hacking problems) the amount of damage would be inconceivable to most people on earth.
It makes a person wonder if using computers is actually useful considering the amount of money lost because of it worldwide?
Feb 1, 2021 — Cybersecurity Cost Predictions · Worldwide cybercrime costs will hit $6 trillion annually by 2021. · Ransomware damage costs will rise to $20 ...
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Feb 21, 2020 — If it were measured as a country, then cybercrime — which is predicted to ... gang hacking activities, and a cyberattack surface which will be an order of ... German authorities reported a ransomware attack caused the failure of IT ... will be embedded in the world around us, with up to 45 trillion in 20 years.Missing:
present | Must include:
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Of course the reason for all this that I'm writing about is to give you a better idea of wha
is actually going on now on earth if you have the capacity to understand it.
I'm trying to write this so more people understand more about what is actually going on here on
earth at this time, especially since about 1 year ago now.
In earlier Chapters I showed you how Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back (not their real names obviously became Major Forward and Captain Back through their helping to save humanity through from extinction. Was this really an honor or was it really a death sentence?
I'm thinking that without Arcane and His Oneness it could ONLY have been a death sentence for
Captain Forward and LIeutenant Back at least from my point of view. So, the ONLY way they were going to live through going forward in time and introducing themselves to the pentagon in 2080 was to die. Because the future isn't always friends with the past and vice versa.
But, never the less the future had to be changed starting from the 1990s, then the 2nd timeline started on 9-11-01. Then the 3rd timeline started with Trump (to kill off those who would have caused the extinction of mankind even though really they had no idea what the consequence of them staying alive would actually be so in this sense they all were innocent of any real intentional wrong doing.
In a way all of us are equally to blame along with all of our ancestors on earth for the last 15,000 or 20,000 years equally for the need to thin out the human race so SOME of us could survive this century.
Now, it has been done and is continuing as I write this.
Is this right or wrong what has been done using Trump in this way (the UN?) I don't know. I don't think you can look at it in this way. I think you have to see it was the most equitable way possible that the human race would be able to continue to stay alive and that's all. Not right. Not wrong. Neither. Just a way for some humans to still be alive in 2095 and 2100 and 2120 and 2150 and that's all.
However, he is one of the few people on earth (sort of like HItler) who is not capable of feeling any remorse because of his medical condition of Narcissistic Personality disorder. So, no matter how many people die because of what he does and says he will feel nothing at all (unless it is ONLY about him).
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