Friday, February 19, 2021

If it's only cavemen and cave women left 500 years from now with no technology left

 It's pretty obvious to me at this point that some people are going to survive the next 500 years or so. But, it's less obvious how many will actually be there still alive. The question is "Will there be ANY electronic or car or plane technology left?

So, will there be farming? Possibly no. Will there be electronic technology? Possibly no.

Will there be cars? Possibly post Mad Max technology.

Why am I saying this?

Because look at what 1 week without potable water and electricity did to Texas? I think it's important to look at this more carefully than people have at this point. 

What happens when Texas and Louisiana and Alabama and Mississippi are covered with snow 1 month? 2 months? 6 months? There is no real limitation theoretically of how long the Polar vortex comes south for at this point. This is the real point here. So far it's only been a week or two up until now but you have to notice now it's staying longer and longer and not leaving like it used to.

Because we might be watching in stages how an ice age might begin here on earth right here in Texas sometime over the next several thousands years.

Do you see how far down the snow can come in Texas and other southern States?

That's about how far snow would come down 10 to 100 feet deep eventually in an ice age too.

IF you can imagine ice 10 to 100 feet deep from north of the Canadian Border down to about Mexico this is what we might eventually be facing.

And realistically it would begin with the High Sierra Mountain Range in California to the Mexican border to the Appalachian mountains. This is what would have 10 to 100 feet of snow and ice that deep.

So, this is what I'm talking about that south into Mexico you might have people living in caves somewhere at that Latitude worldwide for several hundred thousand years while the ice age stays in place north of there. So, Europe, the U.S., Canada, Russia, China and a lot of India would be gone too under the ice and Japan and Korea might be under ice too.

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