Sunday, February 21, 2021

what is the most different thing about living with Angels 24 hours a day?

You don't usually feel fear most of the time while being around them.

You tend to feel a little intoxicated in a very good way sort of like when you are first falling in love being around them.

Since they don't live in time and space like we do they see, the past, present and future all the time.

Because of this if you listen to what they have to say you mostly don't die before your time because they tell you what to watch out for.

As you live around angels you start to think like they do without any borders that include both time and space.

Imagine thinking in such a way that neither time nor space is really any barrier to you in regard to anything?

This is how angels are all the time.

Your long term survival ALWAYS depends upon the angels you choose to have in your life. Always.

But, I suppose it's like everything else. If you were conditioned not to see angels by people around you like parents, siblings, friends, enemies etc. then cultivating angels in your life is hard  if you have no belief system that includes them in the first place.

Even if you are angry with God because your lover, friend, parent or other loved one has died and you are angry about this it doesn't mean you can't cultivate angels to help, heal and protect you ongoing.

By God's Grace 

It's sort of like if you don't believe in airplanes because you have never seen one yourself. Many tribesmen over the years in remote areas were like this.

And also strangely enough, why would you believe in UFOs if you have never seen one either. It's the same thing with airplanes, UFOs and Angels. Seeing is often believing.

For example, the U.S. Government denied having Stealth aircraft for at least 20 years after they had them just like they often deny UFOs because most UFOs travel both time and space. 

So, for example, the UFOs people talk about could be mostly future human beings too from many different time periods past, present and future. Would aliens from earth from the past, present and future be friendly to us?

Let me ask you another question: "Would humans from 100 or 200 years from now be friendly to present day human beings?

Maybe and maybe not. After all 100 and 200 years ago people were racist in an entirely different way than now. For example, they were racist against anyone from any other country including any other state much more than now because they didn't have mass media communication like now.

When I was growing up I often could not even understand American accents like Georgia, Mississisppi, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma or Boston. This was just part of what the 1950s and 1960s were really like. Then in 1999 I went to Scotland and I found that some Scottish dialects of English I couldn't understand even one word in them because the brogue was so intense. And Some Hawaiian Pigeon English dialects I hear what they are saying but have no idea the meaning of it sometimes either because of the unusual slang words used.

And in the 1960s when I was a surfer in Los Angeles County we had our own surfer dialect that most people if they weren't surfers didn't know what we were saying even then. Terms like "hanging 10", Surf Bunnies, Shooting the curl, Surfer dudes etc. most people did not understand that terminology yet.

Hanging 10 is something you can do on a really big surfboard that they call Longboards now of usually 9 to 10 feet long or more where under the right conditions you can put all your toes over the front end if it if you are going fast enough on a powerful wave under perfect conditions.

Surf Bunnies were surfer girls who hung out with surfers and dressed a certain way.

Surfer dudes meant "Guys that Surfed mostly"

And shooting the curl I'm still not sure exactly what that means. I'll look it up.

Heres the definition:

verb. riding the board inside of the wave with the water over your head.

So, I guess this would mean the wave is curling over your head and breaking but you are able to still ride in a crouch without being knocked down by the breaking wave.

You have to have a perfectly formed wave to do this because waves break in all sorts of different ways depending upon many different factors like what's on the bottom of the ocean there and what are the wind conditions and are there any storms nearby?

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