Monday, February 22, 2021

Why are Angels in your life important?

Because Angels in your life allows you to always be okay. You might have things of various kinds happen to you but still somehow you are still always okay.

For example, in Fall of 1998 I thought I was dying and called my son to come take me to the hospital because my lips were blue, I could barely walk, I could barely feel my arms and hands and I knew something was wrong when I woke up one morning in Fall of 1998. But, after I called my son to come pick me up in his car because I could no longer drive or even walk right anymore white light angels appeared to me. At first, I believed they had come to take me to heaven. But, instead they started talking in unison as they surrounded me. Instead they said in unison: "You aren't going to die. Your life will get better now!" They just kept saying this until all the cells in my body believed them and so it became true.

And 8 or 9 months later after almost dying from a heart virus it became true. My life got better and it continues to get better and better.

Then I remember in fall of 2018 and 2019 I thought I was dying from heart problems again and I asked the angels if I was dying this time again. They said, "This is only temporary. You aren't dying. You will get better and be okay in time."

Again they were right. I didn't die and eventually got a pacemaker put in in June of 2020 and now my heart actually works better than it ever did my entire life because I no longer have an irregular heartbeat etc.

This is why angels are important so you don't die before your time.

By God's Grace 

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