Monday, June 21, 2021

I think it's important for retired people to share UFO experiences with the world while they are still alive:

Because when you have a career often people ruin their careers by talking about their UFO experiences unless they are Presidents of the United States. For example, Reagan and Carter both said they had UFO experiences.

But, from my point of view our UFO experiences are actually very common worldwide. They are not rare.

I think they are sort of like if we were in the Amazon Rainforest in a tribe that the Medicine man told us not to talk about UFOS like he might regarding jet airliners now. It's something like this actually here in the U.S. at least (or has been since the 1950s) where talking about UFOS is problematic if you have a career and a family, especially if you are in the military or government when you talk about this stuff.

Sharing your UFO experiences during your life protects in many ways the survival of the human race here on earth.

Some people (especially in governments want every one ignorant about all this) like they want to keep this knowledge all secret.

So, what happens when some people know and don't tell?

What happens to governments when most people are ignorant about all this?

Governments just become a lie or a joke and that's all when people try to hide all this ongoing for years and years and years.

So, it's all been hidden since at least 1947 but it's also likely that UFOs were here before modern Day humans were and maybe even before Earth had an atmosphere. It's also likely that humans are at least part alien to begin with. So that's interesting too.

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