Friday, October 15, 2021

For me, writing a book is a little like living lifetimes I have already lived in the past, present and future once again

When I first started writing like this it was 1980 and I wrote about Arcane as Saint Germain who was born in this lifetime about 1 million years into our future on a water planet that was originally about 99% water as in oceans. So, his variation of humans from earth genetically modified themselves to better survive on a planet without basically enough land to live on. 

However, over time they dredged more and more land to live on because it was safer than living in the ocean with things similar to sharks there and things like Orca that might eat them if they weren't very careful or their children. But, since they had been genetically engineered as Amphibians they saw no reason really to return to the genetics of Earth without Gills as Amphibians so they kept the long tongues and webs between their fingers and toes for faster swimming. They also kept the clear flesh coverings that could protect their eyes underwater and given them clearer vision underwater.

So, for me, when Saint Germain writes through me it is like living that lifetime and other lifetimes in the past, present and future all over again.

I'm very grateful that Saint Germain is sharing these lifetimes on earth and other planets with me from the past, present and future.

Jonathan Flow 

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