Friday, October 8, 2021

In July, four million people quit their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

begin partial quote from:

 Major life events -- like a global pandemic -- often lead people to take stock of their lives. And many workers are now taking a closer look at their jobs and realizing it's not what they want to be doing anymore.

In July, four million people quit their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
People can quit for many reasons: Some want a better work-life balance or higher pay, while others realize their job is just not the right fit anymore, or they want to do something completely different with their time. But not everyone can afford to quit their job, and it often requires planning.
end partial quote.
People aren't stupid. They see people around them (including their relatives and friends dying). Even I have lost a friend to Covid at this point and she was ONLY 60 years old!
However, I'm mostly retired so the effect on me is that I won't go to restaurants or movies anymore and I won't fly in planes and mostly I won't go into stores and shop for anything. So, this has changed my life a lot. What do I miss the most?
Flying to Hawaii to Kauai and Maui. The last time I went with my wife and friends it was October 2019. This is what is the hardest personally for me of not going back to Maui and Kauai.
Quitting a meaningless job makes complete sense to me. I quit many meaningless jobs along the way towards owning my own businesses starting at about age 28. I was never cut out to be working for someone else unless it was my Dad to begin with and there is a tradition that goes back AT LEAST as far as the Civil war with my great Grandfather starting a drug store supplied by Native American Medicine people in Kansas where my grandfather and all his surviving boys (My Dad and his older Brother) both owned their own Electrical Contracting Businesses. I followed this tradition starting in 1978 by owning my own businesses too. Unless life is fulfilling enough for you why live it at all? This was always my thought. I faced death a lot growing up so I wasn't willing to put up with many things other people would.
The nearness of death either sends you over into death or you re-evaluate your life completely and do something else better with it.
By God's Grace

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