Sunday, October 3, 2021

Places like Santa Barbara still get lumps of tar on the beaches from previous oil spills:

Santa Barbara has off shore drilling platforms visible from the beaches of Santa Barbara. It has been like this for some time now. I think it might be the only place like this in California because this was the only place not able to stop the oil platforms being built in the past. So, what is happening off of Huntington Beach (where I used to surf in the early 1960s) is a sad reminder of other oil spills from Alaska to San Diego in the past.

When you walk on the beach and get tar on your feet you need either something like baby oil or gasoline to get it off and you don't want to walk on your car carpet or home carpet or you will have bad cleaning bills if you don't clean your feet off from the beach before you use either. So, beaches can be a minefield of tar deposits on any given day. You just never know. And it could get on the bottom of your shoes too or whatever you are walking on or in those days walking along Santa Barbara beaches. It's always usually a bad surprise whenever this happens when you step on tar that you don't see either in the water or just walking along the beach. 

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