Saturday, October 16, 2021

This Dateline presentation was literally a "Come to Jesus" moment for me

I watched this presentation alone after my daughter and my wife went to their bedrooms to read or sleep. I felt really upset by all this because this lady reminded me of many people I knew since the 1950s that didn't survive their beliefs. When I was a child people would (in my religion) sometimes, wearing a white suit and tie walk up on Mt. Shasta during the night in the summer time and die of exposure believing they were making their Ascension. I really thought this was crazy at the time and it turned me against my parents religion a lot when I was 8 to 10 years old. My oldest cousin dying in a car accident when I was 8 helped me in thinking all religious people were crazy.

However, then I got a concussion and started to have seizures at night when I was asleep from the concussion and all I had to turn to was God because my father didn't take me to a doctor either because he didn't really believe in doctors beyond stitches or splints for a broken bone (which is similar to other people in my parent's religion. However, religion was all I was given to survive a concussion and night time seizures until I was 15 and my cranium grew enough to relieve the pressure on my brain from the concussion. 

However, the young scientist in me didn't die either just because I needed God to get me through the Concussion and seizures.

By the time I was 21 I realized I had to separate from my childhood religion because it wasn't taking me where I needed to go. 

It wasn't that I didn't believe in Saint Germain and Jesus and being a mystical Christian, it was that the religion was just too extreme for me in many different ways like many cults can be.

Though I found myself sort of suicidal for about 5 years it also freed me from forced and conditioned behaviors from birth to where I became someone new. It's not that I didn't continue to have real experiences with Saint Germain, Jesus and God, it's that I no longer wanted these experiences in the context of a religion but rather experiences I had personally with God and Jesus and Saint Germain especially in Wilderness Areas all over the world.

So, when I saw this presentation on Dateline last night I was sort of traumatized by it with the experiences in my life so far. I met people like this in my life who were this extreme and so died for their extremeness young. So, for me, watching this was just watching another person not practical enough to live very long and feeling sorry that they had to die so very young at only 45.

You could say in a way Covid Killed her or the reaction to Covid which scared her into taking Colloidal Silver 5 times a day until her skin turned blue. You could say many things. But, mostly what is awful about this is that her students allowed her to die without taking her to the hospital so she could at least be physically saved through medical intervention. 

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