Saturday, October 9, 2021

This is why Science Fiction is so important long term: "If you can think of something being done then one day it might be"

Being creative, especially if you have some kind of background in science or even fantasy allows others in the future to do further research and to possibly build what you are writing about.

I'm likely somewhat unusual because I have the ability to often see millions of years into the future on various timelines where I have lived already as a soul. So, I can write (when I'm allowed to) of all this so it can be re-invented now or in the near or far future to benefit mankind on this or other planets we will travel to.

Somehow, Branson and Bezos traveling into space and Elon Musks space businesses and car businesses also are a part of all this as we move from earth first to the moon and space stations and then to Mars and other moons throughout the Solar system where it isn't too hot to live or work or mine. But, eventually even hot places like Venus or Mercury or the Sun itself will be visited likely by technology from earth if not humans themselves in the near or far future.

So, humans I believe have always explored planets and migrated across this and other galaxies colonizing and mining places as we went. This has already gone on by human bipedal creatures like ourselves capable of genetically engineering ourselves and our DNA to live almost anywhere on any planet throughout the known universe including in other galaxies. 

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