Friday, October 15, 2021

What do the Five Stages of Grief apply to?

 It can be a person or a pet. It can be being forced to move from someplace you love like a home you have to leave. It can be a death, a divorce, a breakup and I suppose it even could be having your favorite TV show or streaming show cancelled too.

All these things can cause one grief depending upon how we feel about all these things in our life. Often things might surprise you that you are devastated by. 

There is a saying: "You don't know what you've got til it's gone."

Therefore, the motor of life is: "Be Grateful for what you have" because you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.

So, learn to be grateful for what you have.

I have lost since the 1950s likely hundreds or thousands of people in my life. Some died and some moved away and some I moved away from and missed them ever since. Some moved away from me to the East coast that I have missed since 1979 in my life. By 2020 most of my older relatives were gone and at least half of my cousins and 2/3 of my best friends. So, learn to be grateful what you still have today because tomorrow those people could be gone never to return.

People often talk about living to be 90 or 100 or more but when you do this most people you know and love are already gone. This is the thing about growing old. I have already outlived my father by 4 years. He died at age 69. Be Grateful for what you have, because you don't know what you've got 'til it (or they are gone).

Here are the 5 stages of grief that are necessary to go through one by one in order to stay mentally and emotionally healthy enough to survive here on earth.

begin quote:

About 50 years ago, experts noticed a pattern in the experience of grief and they summarized this pattern as the “five stages of grief”, which are: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.Oct 27, 2020

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