Friday, October 15, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 21: Prophetess


Friday, October 15, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 21: Prophetess

Prophetess finally showed up a little late but everyone understood because of her condition. She mostly hung out at first with Ah Ray In and Purple. And if you were wondering: "Was this the Old Arcane she was married to that was the older Arcane there? No. Not yet.

Older Arcane walked over to Prophetess and said, "I had a realization at the wedding that Celeste won't choose to live forever as Celeste with me. Because you know everything can you help me with this?"

Prophetess: "There are many things that I know that wouldn't be wise to share with you now, Arcane. It's more important that you take care of your family now and let your future lives unfold."

Older Arcane: "Though you are shielding your mind from me I sense that you are pregnant. Is this part of what you need to protect me from?" 

Prophetess: "Maybe."

Older Arcane walked away from Prophetess realizing that the child she was carrying likely was his from a far future time after Celeste chose to pass on.

He felt kind of faint from this inkling of the future and wondered about it all.

He wandered sort of aimlessly back towards Young Arcane and Moksha feeling somewhat better as his potential future as an immortal being in time became clearer to him. In other words immortality wouldn't be bad if he was with Prophetess and their as yet unborn child to give him hope and strength. As long as one of the incarnations of Ah Ray In's soul was with him he could face almost anything he had to.

About this time His Oneness emerged from the Sea Pool they were all enjoying so much.

He walked over to Older Arcane and said, "Prophetess is protecting you for now, Arcane. We can't all shield ourselves from our futures, especially those of us who likely will live forever or something like that."

Older Arcane nodded in understanding of his future. He felt oddly comforted by what both Prophetess and His Oneness of Earth said to him.

Young Arcane walked over to Prophetess. He said, "I'm sorry I didn't know that older Arcane before the one you married was going to be invited here today. Everything has been sort of Spontaneous."

Prophetess: "Don't worry. Everything is in order. Older Arcane actually needed the reassurance that I would be here for him in is particular future after Celeste and his children decide they have had enough after over 800 years of life."

Young Arcane: "I wasn't aware of how it all turns out before. That will be rough for him to go through."

Prophetess: "Yes. We all carry our crosses so to speak through life."

Young Arcane: "I suppose you are right."

Ah Ray In and Purple overheard this last conversation and came over to comfort Prophetess.

Prophetess said, "I can't swim because it doesn't feel right to do that today."

Ah Ray In: "Would you like to go wading in the shallow end?"

Prophetess: "Why Yes. I'd Love to."

Ah Ray In: "That wasn't the Arcane you are married to visiting was it?"

Prophetess: "No. But he knows his wife ends her life. He just doesn't know his children also end theirs too after around 800 years yet."

Ah Ray In: "That's going to be rough for him."

Prophetess: "Yes. But, his grandchildren and great grandchildren and great great grandchildren are all still there on earth to be supportive to him. He just doesn't know them as well as he did his wife and children."

Purple: "Yes. That's understandable. I have had to watch many people I care about pass away over 5 million years of time travel both in battle and from old age on planets that don't have common regeneration in place yet."

Prophetess: "It doesn't matter who you are, losing loved ones is difficult wherever you are in the galaxy or universe."

Purple and Ah Ray In nodded in agreement.

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