Monday, November 15, 2021

Here's the thing about Scorpions: The smaller they are the deadlier they are

 I was stung in 1974 at Hapuna Beach on the Big Island of Hawaii. Luckily, it was the bottom of my right foot it stung. So, I couldn't walk without help for about a week because my leg felt like when your leg goes to sleep but it didn't wake up for a week. So, there's initial pain and stuff but then the poison makes your leg grow numb.

However, if you are stung on your neck or face or even shoulder this is sometimes fatal. So, I was very very lucky to only be stung on my foot. But, I couldn't walk or drive my car on Hawaii (at least using my right foot. So, I had to drive with my left foot instead which takes some getting used to. I think I got a large stick to use like a crutch then to support me when I walked with only one good leg for about a week.

This likely was in Summer or Fall of 1974 when I moved to Hilo with my Wife and baby son then.

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