Monday, November 15, 2021

The Doctor said, "Oh. You have done many things in your life."

 This was my wife's cardiologist. She hadn't met me before but my wife needed moral support that day because she was going to find out some stuff that might scare her. My wife handled it pretty well and it worked out that they wanted to do an MRI of her heart so they could get close ups of all her heart valves so it was less scary than she thought it might be.

But, the new Cardiologist said coming into the room. "Oh, who are you?" Because she wasn't prepared to meet someone new in relation to my wife. also, I'm 6 foot 5 inches tall with size 17 Crocs on that day so I try to be compassionate when people meet often the biggest tallest person they have seen that month of their life.

So, I said, "We met in 1994 and got married in 1995 and have been together ever since." This seemed to calm the female Cardiologist down and she was okay after that.

My wife mentioned that I had been married three times with one biological child from each marriage. I also mentioned that I had adopted 3 children also. 2 from my 2nd marriage and one with my present wife. So, we have a big family in this sense. Then when I mentioned I had spent 4 months in India, Nepal and Thailand mostly with Tibetan Monks and Lamas in India and Nepal with my 2nd wife and older children she said to me, "Oh. You have done a lot of things in your life!"

To me, all the things I have done seem normal to me. But, I guess a lot of people don't have as many friends as I do who are worldwide mountain climbers and world travelers. So, what's normal to me often isn't as normal to other people. Like for example, I have a friend who has climbed most of the tallest peaks on earth including Everest and goes to India to see his Guru every year for the last 25 years. So, for me, stuff like this is normal but for other people maybe not so much.

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