Monday, November 1, 2021

Spent a year with the Galactic Sentience in 1970

This was my actual experience. To understand what happened I likely need to share a little background.

When Archangel Michael and this Archangels came to me at age 2 so I wouldn't die from whooping cough they likely were sent specifically to save my life because I was dying then in Seattle and I knew it even at 2. So, when they came because my Scottish Celtic Grandmother summoned them by singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" likely in Christmas of 1950 or 1951 when I was 2 years old. Then they appeared in a ball of light at least 10 feet or more in diameter which made the room so bright I could barely deal with it. But, also, more than anything I wanted to go with them because they were my old friends and I knew it. I wanted to go with them more than anything but I knew I had a job to do here on earth. 

So, by age 4 or 5 I prayed to soul travel with the angels because life in the 1950s was really hard for everyone. It was much worse than what we are all dealing with now by a longshot.

People were very un-evolved and more like adult uncivilized children compared to  now here in 2021. Now I would call people basically "too neurotic for their own good" here in 2021. In other words education wise they are much more sophisticated but what this means in reality is the lies are much more subtle and not blatant like they were then in life (at least in the western world of places like Canada, the U.S. and Europe).

So, though people are more educated now mostly it just makes them more crazy in a completely different way than then. People then (who survived to 30) tended to have a lot of common sense or they just didn't make it to 30 at all. Now people with no common sense might make it to 40 or more if other people are supporting them financially. It was less true of anyone surviving past 30 who didn't have common sense in the 1950s.

So, after praying for soul travel from God since age 4 or 5 I began to do it (unexpectedly) about age 20 and first I thought I was going to die when I stepped out of my body to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. So, when my arm went through the bathroom wall instead of turning on the light switch for the bathroom I was pretty terrified. But, within a couple of months God and I had worked it out and I had learned to Bi-locate instead of Astral Project. Bi location can be safe whereas Astral Projection is never really safe at all. By Bi-locating you keep part of your consciousness in your physical body and part goes somewhere else. And also there is also tri-location and as many places as you can manage (even though I wouldn't really recommend going beyond bi-location because it is easy to make some serious mistake and die if you go beyond bi-location. So, it's sort of like being a big wave Surfer so you want angels traveling with you for safety.

So, finally I realized that in soul traveling I could travel into space because my body would be breathing here on earth and so I did. First I went to Venus because it always seemed interesting to me. I talked to people who were ghosts there that used to live there when it was cooler and not 600 degrees Fahrenheit where human bodies would melt or catch fire. But, ghosts of that civilization still lived there so one told me to go into the sun to meet God in the center of the Galaxy and so I did.

When I went into the sun it was sort of like getting into a hot tub here on earth in my soul form. It didn't burn me up and instead it was invigorating and soothing instead. Then I found myself sitting in a golden throne in the sun and being sent by the Plasma civilization in the sun to the center of the Galaxy to meet God.

This was in 1970 when I would have been about 22 years old and in college in San Diego county, California. 

But, everything was completely different than I expected so I realized what Christians believe about God these days isn't exactly the way things are in this galaxy because it's more like Zeus and Hera or Odin and Thor who actually built and run the Galaxy.

So, they took me to see the Zeus figure who runs the Galaxy. My name for this being is "The Galactic Sentience" because he is aware of all life in the Galaxy and what it is experiencing 24 hours a day. But, he would prefer we not call him God because he doesn't think that is healthy for beings to think of him as God even though many do in many planetary systems.

So, I spent about 1 year with the Galactic Sentience in the core of the Galaxy before I woke up the next morning realizing I had had a very different kind of experience. I have been trying to make sense of this experience since 1970 a lot.

When I first Saw him he said, "I missed you, Grandfather!" which I didn't know what to do with at the time because I was only 22 then and still had a lot of maturing ahead of me at that time.

So, when you read "The Alien War" I'm writing about someone I actually met and have known since 1970 who is the present leader of the Galactic Government of the Milky Way Galaxy we all live in.

By God's Grace 

Note: Do I have any evidence of anything I'm writing about?

If I did I likely would be dead already.

But, they protect me so I can write about all this because only a few people will probably understand that I'm writing about the ACTUAL GALACTIC GOVERNMENT now. But, in the future more and more people will understand that I'm actually describing how the Galactic Government works and always has since the Creator family that runs this Galaxy actually built it.

By God's Grace

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