Friday, January 21, 2022

The Fake Alien War is to prevent Earth from becoming another Asteroid Belt like out past Mars

 It is a way for the galaxy to prevent another civil war in the United States because if the United States goes into Civil War it is likely that China and Russia would take over the whole world in the process and all Democracy would be gone and all human rights would be gone after that.

And people being who they are they likely would then nuke the world out of existence because no one could want to live then on earth with no human rights.

So, preventing a civil War in the U.S. is likely the most important thing humans can do to prevent the earth becoming another Asteroid Belt from nukes.

As an precognitive intuitive I can tell you why this is true.

"Without hope the people perish!"

It's as simple as that.

I can look down possible time lines and often tell you pretty much what will happen.

I cannot foresee the individual actions of individual people but I can tell you generally what will happen to life here on earth.

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