Friday, January 21, 2022

The problem of Biden versus Putin

 The problem is that the psychological warfare between Biden and Putin is sort of based upon KGB and CIA style rhetoric which is mostly for the public. However, Putin really believes he has to "Face Down" NATO and perceives NATO as a threat to Russia's future.

So, Putin is thinking a lot like Gorbachev, Breshnev, and even Khrushchev in all of this.

The problem is here that it is not 1945. It is not the 1950s,

the 1960s, the 1970s, the 1980s anymore. 

So, Putin's point of view doesn't even fit in with what is

happening at all here in the western world.

On top of all this Putin has isolated himself physically

to such a point where he really doesn't see anyone and

communicates through a Russian Version of Zoom so

he won't get infected by ANY variant of Covid. It's almost

as if he knows something about Covid that only he and

Xi of China seem to know about.

As strange as all this is, his isolation is creating likely 

psychological problems of being isolated to TV Zoom

only and not seeing people in person anymore.

So, where is all this headed with Putin so isolated and

Biden in his own way still living in maybe the 1980s and 

1990s too in some ways?

I can relate to Biden's point of view because it could be

said of me that anything after about 1973 to me I sort of

consider to be "IN THE FUTURE" in some ways.

So, even though I don't want to return to the 1980s or 1970s

I understand it all as well as Putin and Biden do too, 

simply because I lived personally through the 1950s, the

1960s, the 1970s, the 1980s, the 1990s, the 2000s, the 20

teens and now into the 2020s.

So, what happens now with these two cold war Relics who

are leading the 2022 crowd into what exactly?

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