Monday, January 17, 2022

Why did Philosophy, Psychology and the Social Sciences save my young life starting around 1970 when I was in my early 20s

 Because they logically helped me to understand how insane people were in their lives in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. At that time I really didn't understand about PTSD because mostly most people still called this "Battle Fatigue" and were mostly ignorant about all this as of then.

So, wondering why soldiers were killing their wives and families so much and abusing young children in various ways like they did in the 1950s when literally anyone could discipline you for doing literally nothing then. So, I found this sort of insane for insane adults from warfare disciplining innocent children for basically doing nothing then. This was one of the many things that made no sense at all to me then.

There was this wall between adults and children. Children were sort of expendable then. Children were to be seen but not heard. So, even if you had an emergency sometimes you would die before you got any help because no one wanted to hear what you had to say even if you died from "shutting up" right then.

So, this was hard to understand as a child growing up. Because it made no sense at all.

There was this attitude where if you were over 16 or 18 you could do no wrong and your judgement was ALWAYS superior to any children. So, if you told them to "Shut up!" they were supposed to do that even if they died.

So, as an adult I wanted to try to understand the basic insanity of allowing society to be like this. Imagine a world in which most people were as crazy as Trump and his father and many white people (whether they were KKK or not) often talked the talk of a KKK member then.

So, I looked around me at a world in where for most people logic and reason was completely missing. There were only beliefs that mostly made no sense to me at all instead.

It's good to have beliefs about something because if you don't believe in anything at all often you die young as a direct result.

However, also without logic and reason often your life makes no sense at all either.

For example, I might want to believe in Disney fairy tales because they make me feel good and many people do this.

The problem with this is the world just doesn't work like that.

Though kindness is important you don't want to be allowing someone to kill you either or you are just dead and gone and that's all she wrote.

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