Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Why are so many people being shot at random here in the U.S.?

In most of the world people are more settled and traditional and even religious than here in the U.S.

Of course, depending upon where you live on earth this can be very good and very bad depending upon where you are and what kind of person you are.

Why are so many people being shot here in the U.S. now?

People say that it is because there are so many guns but I disagree.

The problem from my point of view is not the guns themselves but within the people.

What is missing within these people?

The best way I can answer this is how I was raised in the 1950s before people shot each other at random so much as now.

What was different then that caused less deaths by shooting?

First of all, to use a gun to kill someone was thought to be very wrong. IN other words people didn't use guns even though they might have had one at home. Even gang fights in the U.S. were usually conducted not with guns but instead knives, clubs or chains instead and fists. For example, if you watch the first "West Side Story" mostly no one is using a gun only their fists, clubs and knives instead.

Killing people with guns didn't really start until the 1960s and 1970s in gangs.

So, in the past before around 1960 or 1965 people didn't die much in gang fights but a lot of them went to the hospital instead.

So, what has changed is in people's minds about what is right and what is wrong. It isn't really about guns at all. It is about the difference in how people perceive reality.

The biggest difference I see in humanity in the U.S. is so many people don't believe in God or any kind of order. And since Trump many people have stopped even believing in the truth.

What has happened is that loyalty to some leader has become more important to some people than the actual truth and when this happens this always leads to chaos and death of more and more people.

Unless people can find enough truth the people perish worldwide.

And it doesn't matter whether this is here in the U.S. or other countries around the world.

Without enough truth all humans will go extinct this century. This is a given. 

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