Saturday, October 8, 2022

The University of Earth which is a place that souls come to incarnate from all over the galaxy and universe

 Have you ever wondered at the diversity of human beings and creatures here on earth and why so many seem to not really belong here?

I have given this a lot of thought and my conclusion is that the souls here on earth are from all over the universe and from all time as well as space and from other dimensions as well.

This better defines what all of us are dealing with here on earth.

So, probably most people are not human based ordinarily while others like Earth and make earth their home for 1, 10, 100 or 1000 lifetimes. Every soul is different and here learning different things.

I liken it to children from the U.S. going to school in Europe or Asia to learn new things and new cultures and new languages. Likewise, souls from this galaxy or other galaxies or even other dimensions or realities might come to earth to learn almost anything here at what I like to call: "The University of Earth" which is for souls throughout all time and space and beyond.

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