Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Why Americans have somewhat abolished free speech?

 Oh. We still think of ourselves as a democracy but anyone who really understands what a democracy really is knows you have to have full free speech to make that democracy actually work.

Here's what actually happened over the years and this is the problem that America and the world are dealing with now:

Basically, people started realizing that Free Speech creates violence and people die. 

However, if you don't have free speech you don't have democracy and your democratic system will eventually collapse without Free Speech.

I look at Free Speech sort of the way I see Abortion. Abortion is awful but humans likely would have gone extinct without abortion worldwide possible by 1970 to 1980. This is real and people who don't understand this are very very ignorant indeed.

So, abortion is an alternative to human extinction at this point in human history at least.

Also, Freedom of Speech is necessary for a functioning democracy. Yes. If you have free speech someone is going to be offended and some people will be injured or die too.

But, this is one of the prices of Democracy.

One way to look at it is this. People are going to die because of what they think or believe worldwide ongoing. But, everyone doesn't have to die for what they believe.

So, if you let people say what they believe (even if it pisses you off no end) then we don't go to war over something stupid.

Without freedom of Speech (Look at Russia and China for example) you are living in a horror movie in real life.

With freedom of speech some people are going to get so angry from what other people say that they are going to kill or maim them because of what they say.

But, if you muzzle some people you cannot have a functional democracy that actually works.

So,  do you want to live in a place like Russia or China or do you want free speech and continue to have our democracy for thousands to millions of years more.

Also, I'm thinking that democracies likely are the ONLY way humans are going to survive Global Climate changes.

What I'm saying is "NO ONE IS GOING TO SURVIVE THE CLIMATE Changes if the governments of Russia or China are in charge of the world. If Russia and China are in charge we are all going to die.


So, what do you want? Do you want your kids to survive the next few centuries or not?

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