Monday, November 28, 2022


 Write about what is useful and important to you.

It doesn't matter whether you publish it or not online or for money or whatever.

What matters is that you understand yourself and the world around you better. And one way to do this is through writing.

Also, you can make a video of yourself with your Iphone or other smartphone or other device. You can also record just your voice if you want to. Later if you wish and you find that what you recorded was really good you might type it up or have someone else type it up on a computer word processor or typewriter or even long hand if you wish.

The point is to write about what is important to you. 

Often there is no one to talk to about what is important to you. Because of this writing this down you begin a conversation between your present self and your future self that reads what you write (or watches a video of you talking or listening to a sound only recording of you talking about what is important to you).

In this way you heal yourself by sharing with your future self as your therapist or parent. So, you re-parent yourself by listening to what is bothering you or important to you in the future.

Healing is always possible for events that seem impossible to you now.

Writing for me is almost always about healing.

Because everyone has been traumatized in their lives at different points. As we heal ourselves throughout our lives we extend our lives to 100 years, 200 years and beyond if we wish to.

by God's Grace

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