Thursday, March 9, 2023

Generating compassion helps others but it mostly helps you


If you have studied psychology at all (I studied to become a psychologist just before my first child was born when I was single in my early 20s) you know that when you are angry your anger if you hold onto it can kill you from a heart attack or stroke. Any negative feelings that you harbor too long can easily end your life.

Conversely, if you consciously generate compassion for yourself and others it tends to lengthen your life and increase your health and your sanity.

So, by learning to generate compassion you increase your physical and mental health and your lifespan also increases.

It's all very logical.

So, here is a reason to generate compassion for yourselves and others which helps them but helps you more and gives you peace in your life. 

It's also something you can do whether you believe in God or a higher power or not.


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