Thursday, March 9, 2023

Global Climate changes

 If you are noticing over the last 20 years storms of all kinds have been stronger, windier, more damaging of all kinds from hurricanes to Atmospheric rivers to whatever kinds of weather you get where you live.

Like for example, we had an issue on a golf Course nearby  of 100 mostly pine trees being blown down in one storm off the ocean which is the most trees I have seen go down in any one storm here likely ever. 

Of course seeing 20 or 30 trees down might be more normal and often these trees are very big and take out corners of houses or fences or cars near those houses too. But, 100 trees in one storm? That's a lot.

People are commenting about the amount of snow coming down now. But, that's mostly only in comparison to what has been happening since maybe 2000 or 2001 which has been mostly a long term drought.

So, on one level we are returning this year to more normal precipitation but it's also true this is way beyond anything one normally sees too. But, I HAVE skied on 40 feet of snow on Mt. Shasta on once occasion where all you could see skiing were the very tops of the tallest of all trees. So, if you are telling me that there is 50 feet of snow some place I won't be surprised but that would be some sort of record.

And I have a friend who lives at 4000 feet elevation near where I used to own 2 1/2 acres also and he is snowed in with 10 to 12 feet of snow and expecting many more feet likely in this next storm. But, I suppose the good news is that hopefully it will turn to rain by Saturday hopefully, so he doesn't have 20 feet of snow at 4000 feet. Hopefully. So, hopefully the rain will begin to melt at least some of the snow below around 5000 feet in elevation. However, Skiers might be skiing on this snow this year in August of 2023 as long as we don't have too hot or hot and rainy of weather between now and then.

Time will tell.

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