Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Great Line: "Mrs. Plunkett was robbed of her sense of innocense that aliens don't exist"

 This is a statement made by Deputy Liv in "Resident Alien" I DVRed the whole series when it first came out on my TIVO and I have been rewatching the whole series from the beginning. It is likely my favorite program series on TV the last few years.

But, the line is great because this could be said of everyone on earth. 

Something to think about.

This particular episode is Season 2 Episode 6 called "An Alien in New York".

Not believing in Aliens is sort of like being a Virgin like a child. It doesn't last forever for most people.

Is one better or worse after meeting or seeing aliens or UFO ships?

I'm not sure how to answer this question but I can ask another question instead.

Is one better or worse after seeing in the wilds a bear,  A moose, a Deer or an Elk or a Mountain Lion up close and personal with no walls, no windows, no gun or other weapon to protect them?

I suppose if you survive any of these encounters you might be grateful.

Likewise if you survive an Alien encounter you might be grateful to have survived it too.

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