Wednesday, March 8, 2023

People who have the "Survivor Gene".

This is something I just realized tonight. UFOs often will allow some memories to remain of people's contacts with them if people have the "Survivor's Gene".

I'm not sure this is a real gene but rather a connection some people have with their bodies.

So, it's about the mind body connection of some people.

Is this hereditary?


For example, my family came to the U.S. from Switzerland in the 1720s so to make it through all the pioneer days and settling this country from East Coast to West Coast (I presently live in California but was born in Seattle)

So, my relatives started in Philadelphia by traveling up the river to Philadelphia on a ship from England.

So, I'm thinking being allowed to remember some things of a UFO nature might be based upon people who seem to survive everything and just keep going.

And this might be hereditary too. 

What do all these people who remember have in common?

They don't panic.

Panic kills people when they meet Aliens.

Many people just die when their little ideas of reality explode into a much larger world that includes the whole universe of Galaxies.

And then they either die or are institutionalized or wind up walking the streets talking to themselves.

Which is why governments don't like UFO aliens meeting people when this happens a lot because all those people cannot work at jobs and pay taxes and support those governments.

It's about money to support Governments more than anything else.

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