Sunday, March 12, 2023

What was the last atmospheric River like?

 The Winds and rains and Hail were like something out of a movie in other words "Surrealistic" in it's intensity and ferocity. I likely have never seen a storm anything like this one including what it did locally to Central and Northern California. Luckily, where I live I'm up from the ocean at around 200 feet or more on a hill above the ocean so I wasn't affected as much as those closer to the ocean.

The next storm will hit us with 70 mph Gusts which will likely bring down trees and a sustained wind of 20 to 40 miles per hour. The ground now everywhere around us is so saturated that a few strong breaths are going to bring them down. Since January every day is filled with the sounds of tree trimmers bringing down trees or cleaning up trees that have fallen. Many many roads have been impassable from trees down where I am or one lane is gone from a large tree coming down etc.

Anyway I haven't seen anything like this likely ever but it reminds me of 1995 when the Highway 1 bridge at the Crossroads in Carmel washed a mile away down the lagoon and Carmel River and into the ocean. IF you have ever been there it's an impossible thought that this could even happen once.

However, it did happen so for many maybe all our knowledge of what is possible in Global Climate change has to go out the window in the context of the weather changes now worldwide?

It's sort of like if you aren't wearing a seat belt in a plane you might not survive it these days traveling by jet passenger plane around the world. If you even get up to take a pee you could be taking your life in your hands?

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