Friday, July 5, 2024

Las Vegas just broke it's all time High Temperature record on July 4th 2024!

 118 Degrees Fahrenheit I guess is a temperature Las Vegas never hit before!

I can remember many times in the early 2000s driving to Las Vegas because it was then much more kid friendly like Disneyland at that point. I loved the Star Trek Presentations with live Actors and technology of first Klingons and then the Borg. In fact each time my then 5 to 8 year old youngest daughter thought it was the real thing and tried to run away from us all and I had to hold her hand so tight I thought her hand might break because I didn't want her to run out into the street screaming and never see her again because she believed it was all real and not play acting with technology combined.

However, even then I remember being scared driving through the heat from Victorville to Las Vegas with the temperatures then ranging from 111 degrees to 115 degrees because of traveling with two young daughters one about 4 and one then likely about 11 or 12 in case the car broke down. But, I guess Las Vegas has NEVER reached 118 degrees Fahrenheit at any point in it's history.

However, I have been in 125 degrees in Palm Springs at least once and several times in Palm Springs at 120 degrees or more which feels a lot like stepping into an oven in real life if you get outside your car or hotel room.

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