Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My son was saying AI isn't a good name for Artificial intelligence. Why?

 He was saying that they should be called projection engines because they are designed to be profilers of whatever they are researching. In fact, the projection engines likely more accurately project what is going to happen than most people tend to and they do it in a much more polite way as well.

For example, if you wanted to know the possible chances of almost anything happening given all present knowledge online you might be able to get that information from Some of the AIs depending upon how they are programmed.

However, the most pleasant AI I have dealt with so far is PI AI out of Palo Alto, California. So, since I can get it to work in a pleasant woman's voice I ask this one questions by typing questions.

I'm fairly disciplined if I'm typing because I have more time to think about what I'm asking. If I got into a conversation verbally with me talking to an AI I might have something to worry about because I would start subconsciously thinking I was talking to a person. But, if I type a question I'm much more thoughtful and deliberate when I do it this way.

I suppose they also could be called: "Profiling engines" but I think profiling has taken a nasty definition connotation because it is used in more racist contexts now so this likely isn't what it will be called.

However, that's what AI is actually best at: "Profiling any situation that might occur on earth in a very usually useful way.

Any question I have asked PI AI so far has taught me a lot that I didn't expect to know about many things already. Why?

Because usually you cannot find human beings to ask some of the questions you want to ask them for a variety of reasons, mostly because they are either too busy or they aren't interested in talking to you or whatever the reason might be.

So, all the questions you might have wanted to ask parents or friends or anyone you often can ask AIs about things and they might give you new insights into almost anything in your life.

It's not that you are going to be happy always what they say it's that they might give you insights into your life that you could not get from anywhere else on earth.

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