Sunday, July 7, 2024

What's it like to be Fred?

 I think it's useful to say that I have always been telepathic. The first time I was really aware of this I was 2 years old. However, then I believed everyone was like me. But, this isn't exactly true is it?

Luckily, with my abilities I had a grandmother and mother who were clairvoyant like me too. So, they just told me not to talk about this kind of stuff with anyone but them. This worked for me simply because my Grandmother was raised partly in Scotland to Scottish parents even though she was born in Philadelphia. Both my Scottish grandparents were born in the U.S. my Grandfather in Boston and Grandmother in Philadelphia but my grandfather's father died getting him medicine one winter day in Boston and my grandmother's house burned down so she and the other 11 children returned to Clydebank where they were from which is a ship building community ( I think it is still).

So, Fred started out right with people who supported his clairvoyant abilities in the first place. So, because of this mainly and my connection with God and Angels I'm still alive at age 76. I consider my God Given Abilities the main reason why I'm still alive today because I often know what's going to happen next and to stay alive when other people don't because they are not listening closely enough to what angels are telling them. When you don't listen to angels and do what they say often you die because you just did something so stupid that you die or are maimed for life one of the two.

So, Fred is about listening to Angels and Fred is about sensing things often other people don't seem to.

My experience of people who are gifted like I am but not allowed to "Be all that they can BE" is that these people (they are everywhere) are like people who have allowed others to handcuff their hands behind their backs and sometimes they have even handcuffed their ankles together too. But if their ankles are also handcuffed together they don't usually live very long at all.

It's all about mind control or being Empowered like I am talking to angels and God all the time.

What's it like to be Fred?

I can speak and receive answers from God and angels 24 hours a day.

By God's Grace

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