Friday, January 10, 2025

Why Enlightenment is Important:

It has to do with being balanced. 

What is being balanced?

The problem is that everyone has one degree or another of traumatic situations and memories in their lives.

 And what do you do with those traumatic situations?

This is the even more important question.

Because if you take your revenge on everyone in your life for your traumas then you are going to be in jail or a mental institution soon or living alone on the streets somewhere on earth.

So, how does one maintain enough balance in their lives to live a "NORMAL?" life?

This is why enlightenment is so very very very important.

For example, you could say that one could become enlightened just getting a good education. 

But then, this isn't always true is it because a college education is a lot like a hammer that you drive nails with isn't it?

What can you do with that hammer? Well. if you are balanced enough you can buy some lumber and some land and build yourself a house to live in the rest of your life with that hammer.

Or you can take that hammer and kill yourself or other people with it.

So, what are you going to do with that hammer? Build something good or kill or harm people with it?

So, balance isn't easy to come by.

However, if you learn to develop compassion first for yourself and for all others you begin to find ways to stay in balance in your life so you don't have to kill anyone else or yourself.

Because in the end murder is a form of Vicarious Suicide always and understanding that is what it is is important for a person's sanity ongoing on earth. IN other words murder is ALWAYS the first step in suicide. Because of this people are often called with this condition "Homicidal-suicidal" or that person is exhibiting "Homicidal suicidal" behavior and is dangerous to themselves or others.

So, learning to have compassion for yourself and others is a way to prevent not only your own suicide but you murdering other people.

So, if you want to be alive and to stay alive and to have friends and family around you you need to develop compassion for yourself and for all the people you care about.

Otherwise you will be dead or crazy soon.

So, because of this Enlightenment is necessary for long term physical and mental and emotional and spiritual survival here on earth.

Without some form of enlightenment and wisdom and maturity none of us live very long.

Because if you do something you can't live with you soon will be gone one way or another.

So, striving for enlightenment before you cause major harm to those you love is really important or you will self destruct.

Enlightenment is helping you and the whole human race survive and not go extinct.

By God's Grace

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