Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I suppose if you are into numbers or numerology this might mean something to you. However, to me it means that 88,888 people have visited my site. Since my handle is intuitivefred888 this seems pretty cool too. When I first started writing at this site I wasn't really interested if people read what I wrote that much. I figured that God would show the people who needed  to read the kinds of things I write about sort of like how I would open the Bible or spiritual books at random sometimes when I wanted an answer from God to a question which is a synchronistic way of doing things based upon the fact that since God is everywhere everywhen all answers are everywhere and everywhen too because God is there wherever you are. So, I intuitively knew that the people that most needed what I have to share would find it. So, over time I have been very pleasantly surprised both at the amount of people visiting my site and the fact that people all over the world visit my sight. So, Blessings to you all and I hope reading whatever I write or compile here for you to read is helpful in all of your lives.

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