Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Russia and Syria: Another Point of View

I was made aware of another point of view that I had not considered before. But it does make complete sense in regard to what Russia is doing now in regard to Syria. Apparently, Russia is feeling threatened by "Arab Spring and all the middle east nations that have fallen or are falling and changing governments like Libya, Tunisia and Egypt and others. The problem that Russia is having with these changes is it is sort of like "The Fall of the Iron Curtain" part 2, in that there was a balance of power that Russia and before that the Soviet Union could actually live with. And, Iraq, Syria and Iran have for a long time (at least since about 1980) or longer been  in the Russia and  and before that the Soviet Union Camp.

So, Arab Spring is bad enough for Russia in how it perceives itself. But to make matters worse for Russia, it's only warm water ocean port is in Syria. And it's two biggest allies in the Middle East are Iran and Syria because Iraq and Saddam Hussein are gone as well as Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen etc. So, basically it appears that Russia is drawing a line in the sand and saying, "We don't really care how many Sunni people die in Syria as long as Assad stays in power and the status quo remains."

And this   doesn't work at all for Nato, (Europe and the U.S.) as well as much of the free world which is looking on quite horrified with all the massacres of Sunni people (especially women and children) in Syria.

So, this appears to be more of what Russia's actual point of view is. However, since it hasn't been recognized in any form I have seen in any newspaper article it hasn't been put before most people yet.

So, to repeat. Russia is feeling threatened by "The fall of the Iron Curtain 2" which is the Arab Spring movement in the middle east. Also, China does not want Arab Spring ideas to manifest in China as some kind of revolution there either. So, because of this China is sort of supporting Russia in this position.

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